We’re so happy you’ve joined our Flicker and Glow Community. We’re here to shed light on how we operate and what our guidelines are in a simple fashion. Our community is designed for lighting enthusiasts to share ideas, inspiration and style. It’s that simple!
What We Want:
We love tips, tricks, advice and recommendations on using our candles or general lighting and design thoughts.
Tell us your traditions, rituals and customs with lighting.
We love lighting puns, so “light us up” with your bright ideas!
What We Don’t Want:
We’re not here for, and will moderate out unkindness, political, religious, racial or cultural negativity of any kind.
Profanity will be cut... How mad can candles really make you?
Pornography is also a no-go… We don’t want to see any “stick pics” if you know what we mean.
Brasstacks: Our Community & Social Media Policies
As we mentioned before, kindness is key and we’ll remove commentary that engages in bullying or general rudeness.
We are happy to offer customer service and answer questions about our products; the best method for this is via email at hellothere@flickerandglow.com
We frequently re-post content and always attribute the photographer; if this has been missed, please let us know on those social media platforms immediately as we want to give credit where credit is due.
If you hashtag or @ us on our social media platforms, we follow those social media channel’s guidelines and may choose to feature those posts on our social media or in advertising with appropriate attribution.
For giveaways, promotions and contests, we reserve the right to select the winners on criteria prescribed in those activities on a random basis.
We love having fun and pride ourselves on fairness and generosity, so play along for your chances to win prizes, products and be featured on our channels.
Join the Community and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube. We’re all about bringing light and goodness and hope you are too!